About Us

Prospect School provides day education for boys with social, emotional and behavioural difficulties. Students’ needs are met in a small, nurturing environment with a highly differentiated curriculum. We offer a wide range of extra-curricular activities designed to enhance the wider learning opportunities for our students for the time they spend with us.

Social, Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH)

Prospect School is a Local Authority Maintained secondary special school for boys aged 11-16. All our students have Education and Health Care Plans (EHCP) for social, emotional and mental health issues. Some students have additional needs which impact their learning, such as, Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Autistic Spectrum Conditions (ASC) and Dyslexia.

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Vision, Values and Ethos

Prospect School is a place where everyone is treated with respect and is of equal worth.

Our vision is encapsulated in our motto ‘Raising aspirations, building futures’ and is underpinned by our core values of Respect, Believe and Achieve.

Our vision is to develop a highly effective learning environment. To enable every student, regardless of their starting point and personal challenges, to achieve their full potential both academically and socially. To prepare them for future life and to support them in becoming good citizens. Our students are at the heart of all we do, as we strive to significantly improve their life chances and create opportunities for them to succeed.

To achieve our vision, we will undertake to:

  • Create a happy, safe and secure learning environment where all students’ needs are met, where progress, achievements and success are recognised and praised.
  • Provide opportunities for students to develop essential key skills, focussing particularly on literacy and numeracy.
  • Offer students a full and rounded learning experience which is both exciting and challenging and provides them with the opportunity to develop a range of subject skills focusing on the whole child.
  • Ensure that all students have the opportunity to learn, make progress and gain recognised qualifications at a level commensurate with their ability, aptitudes and ambitions.
  • Promote high standards in all learning and teaching to meet the needs of our unique learners.
  • Provide opportunities for students to develop their interpersonal and communication skills and develop their ability to work positively with others.
  • Develop students’ resilience, independence and self-reliance.
  • Promote an understanding of all aspects of a healthy lifestyle, including an appreciation of healthy relationships.
  • Provide opportunities for students’ social, moral, spiritual and cultural development and of the local and wider community.
  • Promote fundamental British values and encourage the development of an understanding of positive citizenship.
  • Prepare students for the next phase in their life, including transition to further education and work.
  • Develop students’ personal responsibility and encourage decision making and choice making.
  • Listen and respect student voice and their positive contributions to the whole school community.
  • Develop strong and supportive relationships with parents/carers, families, colleagues and other professionals.
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Living Our Values

We believe everyone in our school community should have a clear understanding of how their behaviour demonstrates our school values.  To support this we have developed our Prospect Behaviours:


Do the right thing


Show kindness to everyone



Focus on the positives


Be the best version of yourself


Always keep trying


Take pride in what you do


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Equality Objectives

We recognise that the public sector equality duty has three aims, to: eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation and other conduct under the Act, advance equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not; and, to foster good relations between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do

We have considered how well we currently achieve these aims with regard to the protected groups under the Equality Act (race, disability, sex, gender re-assignment, age, pregnancy and maternity, marriage and civil partnership, religion or belief and sexual orientation).

We have also involved staff, students, parents/carers and others in the following ways:

  • We have embedded identity, diversity and equality into the policies, practices and curriculum at Prospect School, creating an environment where teaching and learning experiences are inclusive and strive proactively to eliminate discrimination, promote equality of opportunity and foster good relations between people; while ensuring that the school’s values and ethos preserves, reflects respond to and
    above all respects the identity and diversity of all students and the wider school community.
  • We have extended and developed our PHSCE curriculum to encourage our students to recognise and celebrate diversity at school and in their community, focusing on the benefits of living in a diverse society.
  • We have introduced a ‘Student Voice’ body and forums for tutors and support staff, creating space for discussion and a process to engage and listen to the student voice and staff feedback, in order to create a culture in which it is normal for students to cooperatively shape their learning, and for staff to contribute openly to progressive decision making, encouraging reflection and strengthening our school community.
  • We are in regular contact with parents/carers, encouraging their proactive involvement, not only in their child’s experience of education, but also listening to their views and opinions as we develop and strengthen our practices and procedures.
Our Equality Objectives are:
Objective 1: Reduce Prejudicial Incidents
By the end of the next academic year, reduce the number of prejudicial incidents reported within the school.
Objective 2: Reduce Reduced Hours Provision (RHP)
By the end of the next academic year, evidence an increase in the number of contact hours for students on Reduced Hours Provision (RHP). Recognising the need to progress at each student’s pace.

Please see our Equality Policy below for more informaiton.

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The Governing Body is made up of twelve people (we currently have five vacancies), who each have a unique role to play in the work we do. Some are parent governors, staff members or appointed by the local authority. We each appreciate the fantastic work that is being done throughout the school, by both students and staff, and feel privileged to be involved in such an amazing school.

We work well and efficiently as a team with an emphasis on openness and we abide by the same core values as the school: respect, believe, achieve.

The Clerk to the Governing Body is Jane Robertson. Attendance by individual governors can be seen by looking at the minutes of Governing Body meetings or by using the link below. Associate governors may not vote at meetings of the full Governing Body but they may vote on any committees of which they may be a member. No governors currently have any business or pecuniary interests in the school. Note that minutes from meetings are available upon request.

If you would like to talk to us then please contact our Chair of Governors, Russell Kew at [email protected].

What do we do?

Governors are volunteers who come from a range of professions and backgrounds. They bring their different skills, expertise and time to support and challenge the work done at Prospect School. They have the all-important strategic view, which drives the school forward to provide the very best education possible for every student.

There are three core functions:

  1. Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction.
  2. Holding leaders to account for the educational performance of the organisation and its students, and the performance management of staff.
  3. Overseeing the financial performance of the organisation and making sure its money is well spent.

Governors are becoming more accountable and play an important role in the school. The best way to describe how they work is to be a ‘critical friend’; challenging and questioning through reading reports, undertaking visits, governor training and attending meetings. They keep up to date with current political trends and changes in the law relating to education.


Our Board of Governors operates three committees as follows:

1. Finance and Resources Committee. Chaired by Russell Kew, the Finance and Resources Committee consider items in relation to finance, staffing, health & safety and building & premises.

2. Pay and Performance Committee.  Chaired by Russell Kew, the Pay and Performance Committee focuses on holding the headteacher to account for the performance of the school.

3. Head Teacher’s Performance Committee.  Chaired by Becky Rogers, the Head Teacher’s Performance Committee ensures the headteacher is working to suitable objectives and receives timely feedback about their individual performance.

Our Governors
Russell Kew
Chair of Governors

Governor: Co-opted Governor
Appointed by: Governing Body
First Appointed: 15 June 2021
Appointment End: 14 June 2025
Terms: One
Committee Membership: Finance & Resources Committee (Chair); Pay & Performance Committee (Chair)
Declaration of Pecuniary Interests: Chairman and Director for Condor Ferries Limited; Director of Gordonstoun School; Director of R Kew Consulting Limited.
Attendance for 2022/2023: Full Governing Body = 8/8; F&R = 3/3

Oonagh Taylor

Governor: Co-opted Governor
Appointed by: Governing Body
First Appointed: 2 February 2023
Appointment End: 1 February 2027
Terms: One
Committee Membership: Pay & Performance Committee
Declaration of Pecuniary Interests: None
Attendance for 2022/2023: Full Governing Body = 5/5

Michelle Franklin

Governor: Parent Governor
Appointed by: Parents/Carers
First Appointed: 15 May 2024
Appointment End: 14 May 2028
Terms: One
Committee Membership: None
Declaration of Pecuniary Interests: None

Becky Rogers

Governor: Co-opted Governor
Appointed by: Governing Body
First Appointed: 20 February 2023
Appointment End: 19 February 2027
Terms: One
Committee Membership: Finance & Resources Committee ; Pay & Performance Committee (Chair)
Declaration of Pecuniary Interests: Employee of Hampshire County Council Working in the SEN Department covering Basingstoke and Dean. (Effective from 13 September 2023)
Attendance for 2022/2023: Full Governing Body = 3/3

Adam Hudson

Governor: Parent Governor
Appointed by: Parents/Carers
First Appointed: 24 January 2022
Appointment End: 23 January 2026
Terms: One
Committee Membership: None
Declaration of Pecuniary Interests: Appointed Senior Bursar at Prospect School from 5 June 2023.
Attendance for 2022/2023: Full Governing Body = 8/8; F&R = 3/3

Michèle Aldridge
Head Teacher

Governor: Headteacher
Appointed by: Governing Body
First Appointed: 19 April 2021
Appointment End: n/a
Terms: One
Committee Membership: Finance & Resources Committee ; Pay & Performance Committee
Declaration of Pecuniary Interests: None
Attendance for 2022/2023: Full Governing Body = 8/8; F&R = 3/3

Luke Orrell
Training & Development Governor

Governor: Staff Governor
Appointed by: Staff
First Appointed: 26 April 2021
Appointment End: 25 April 2025
Terms: One
Committee Membership: None
Declaration of Pecuniary Interests: None
Attendance for 2022/2023: Full Governing Body = 8/8

Former Governors within the last twelve months
Lyndon Strong
Teaching & Learning Governor

Governor: Co-opted Governor
Appointed by: Governing Body
First Appointed: 18 May 2021
Appointment End: 17 May 2025
Terms: One
Committee Membership:
Declaration of Pecuniary Interests: Employee of Hampshire County Council Working as Primary Phase Inspector. (Effective from 1 January 2022)
Attendance for 2022/2023: Full Governing Body = 1/8

Pauline Tilt
Safguarding Governor

Governor: Co-opted Governor
Appointed by: Governing Body
First Appointed: 24 November 2021
Appointment End: 23 November 2025
Terms: One
Committee Membership:
Declaration of Pecuniary Interests: Hampshire Youth Offending Team Panel Member (Effective 1 December 2018); Governor at Fareham College (Effective 1 November 2012 until December 2021)
Attendance for 2022/2023: Full Governing Body = 7/8

Christopher Scott

Governor: Local Authority Governor
Appointed by: Governing Body (Nominated by Local Authority)
First Appointed: 24 March 2021
Appointment End: 23  March 2025
Terms: One
Committee Membership: None
Declaration of Pecuniary Interests: Co-opted Governor for Woodcot Primary School (from 24 November 2020); Local Authority Governor for The Waterloo School (from 22 July 2020),
Attendance for 2022/2023: Full Governing Body = 4/8; F&R= 0/3

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Ofsted Reports

We are proud of our recent Ofsted inspection which awarded our school ‘Good’ in all judgement areas.  Please visit the Ofsted Website to see our latest reports.

We value all feedback and invite parents and carers to visit the Ofsted Parent View website.

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