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Christmas Card Reveal 8 (3rd place): Building Resilience

By December 13, 2023January 6th, 2024Prospect School
It's Christmaass!

A message from Lisa Jones, Garden Room Manager

Today we’re delving into a theme close to my heart – “Building Resilience.” Amidst the school community, we find lessons on strength and adaptability that resonate throughout our school.

Resilience isn’t just a quality; it’s a muscle we flex daily. From the challenges in our studies to the triumphs on the sports field, every experience contributes to our collective resilience.

Now, let’s unveil the design that secured third place in our Christmas Card Reveal Series. It’s not just paper and ink; it’s a celebration of the resilience that defines us.

What sound does Santa make going backwards?  Oh Oh Oh!

Before you immerse yourself in the artwork, let’s give a round of applause to the designer of this card from Callum in Year 9. Your creativity beautifully captures the spirit of building resilience.  A massive congratulations on achieving third place!

May the lessons from our resilient journey inspire you as we continue this Christmas Card Reveal Series.

Merry Christmas,
Lisa Jones